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Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


MOONRISE: 2015-2019

Participants : François Castella, Philippe Chartier, Nicolas Crouseilles, Mohammed Lemou, Florian Méhats.

The project Moonrise submitted by Florian Méhats has been funded by the ANR for 4 years, for the period 2015-2019. This project aims at exploring modeling, mathematical and numerical issues originating from the presence of high-oscillations in nonlinear PDEs from the physics of nanotechnologies (quantum transport) and from the physics of plasmas (magnetized transport in tokamaks). The partners of the project are the IRMAR (Rennes), the IMT (Toulouse) and the CEA Cadarache. In the MINGuS team, François Castella, Philippe Chartier, Nicolas Crouseilles and Mohammed Lemou are members of the project Moonrise.


MFG: 2016-2020

Participant : Arnaud Debussche.

Mean Field Games (MFG) theory is a new and challenging mathematical topic which analyzes the dynamics of a very large number of interacting rational agents. Introduced ten years ago, the MFG models have been used in many areas such as, e.g., economics (heterogeneous agent models, growth modeling,...), finance (formation of volatility, models of bank runs,...), social sciences (crowd models, models of segregation) and engineering (data networks, energy systems...). Their importance comes from the fact that they are the simplest (“stochastic control"-type) models taking into account interactions between rational agents (thus getting beyond optimization), yet without entering into the issues of strategic interactions. MFG theory lies at the intersection of mean field theories (it studies systems with a very large number of agents), game theory, optimal control and stochastic analysis (the agents optimize a payoff in a possibly noisy setting), calculus of variations (MFG equilibria may arise as minima of suitable functionals) and partial differential equations (PDE): In the simplest cases, the value of each agent is found by solving a backward Hamilton-Jacobi equation whereas the distribution of the agents' states evolves according to a forward Fokker-Planck equation. The “Master" equation (stated in the space of probability measures) subsumes the individual and collective behaviors. Finally, modeling, numerical analysis and scientific computing are crucial for the applications. French mathematicians play a world-leading role in the research on MFG: The terminology itself comes from a series of pioneering works by J.-M. Lasry and P.-L. Lions who introduced most of the key ideas for the mathematical analysis of MFG; the last conference on MFG was held last June in Paris and organized by Y. Achdou, P. Cardaliaguet and J.-M. Lasry. As testifies the proposal, the number of researchers working on MFG in France (and also abroad) is extremely fast-growing, not only because the theoretical aspects are exciting and challenging, but also because MFG models find more and more applications. The aim of the project is to better coordinate the French mathematical research on MFG and to achieve significant progress in the theory and its applications.

The partners of the project are the CEREMADE laboratory (Paris Dauphine), the IRMAR laboratory (Rennes I), the university of Nice and of Tours.

ADA: 2019-2023

Participant : Arnaud Debussche.

The aim of this project is to treat multiscale models which are both infinite-dimensional and stochastic with a theoretic and computational approach. Multiscale analysis and multiscale numerical approximation for infinite-dimensional problems (partial differential equations) is an extensive part of contemporary mathematics, with such wide topics as hydrodynamic limits, homogenization, design of asymptotic-preserving scheme. Multiscale models in a random or stochastic context have been analysed and computed essentially in finite dimension (ordinary/stochastic differential equations), or in very specific areas, mainly the propagation of waves, of partial differential equations. The technical difficulties of our project are due to the stochastic aspect of the problems (this brings singular terms in the equations, which are difficult to understand with a pure PDE's analysis approach) and to their infinite-dimensional character, which typically raises compactness and computational issues. Our main fields of investigation are: stochastic hydrodynamic limit (for example for fluids), diffusion-approximation for dispersive equations, numerical approximation of stochastic multiscale equations in infinite dimension. Our aim is to create the new tools - analytical, probabilistic and numerical - which are required to understand a large class of stochastic multiscale partial differential equations. Various modelling issues require this indeed, and are pointing at a new class of mathematical problems that we wish to solve. We also intend to promote the kind of problems we are interested in, particularly among young researchers, but also to recognized experts, via schools, conference, and books.

The partners are ENS Lyon (coordinator J. Vovelle) and ENS Rennes (Coordinator A. Debussche).

Fédération de Recherche : Fusion par Confinement Magnétique

We are involved in the national research multidisciplinary group around magnetic fusion activities. As such, we answer to annual calls.


A. Debussche and E. Faou are members of the IPL (Inria Project Lab) SURF: Sea Uncertainty Representation and Forecast. Head: Patrick Vidard.

AdT J-Plaff

This AdT started in october 2019 and will be finished in september 2021. An engineer has been hired (Y. Mocquard) to develop several packages in the Julia langage. The J-Plaff is shared with the Fluminance team.